Unit Lista; INTERFACE Uses crt; Const MaxPsz=50; Type SegedT=Array[1..MaxPsz] of String[8]; Var ST:SegedT; Procedure Kiir(ST:SegedT; j:Word; {szam0:Byte;} Var kilep:Boolean); Procedure KepTorles(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:Byte); IMPLEMENTATION Procedure KepTorles(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:Byte); Var x,y:Byte; Begin For y:=Y1 to Y2 do For x:=X1 to X2 do begin GotoXY(x,y);Write(' '); end; End; (* Procedure Min_Kiv(Var st00:StTomb; szam00:Byte); var i,j,minind:Byte; sv:Byte; Begin for i:=1 to szam00-1 do begin minind:=i; for j:=i+1 to szam00 do if st00[j]n Then Repeat TextBackGround(7);TextColor(4); GotoXY(23,12); Write(' Az eredm‚nylist ban a fel-le nyilakkal l‚pkedhet! '); TextBackGround(3);TextColor(0); keptorles(30,25,63,25); GotoXY(30,25); Write(' Az eredm‚nylista ',hanyadik,'. eleme. '); For i:=1 to n do Begin If i=MenuInd then TextBackGround(4) else TextBackGround(1); GotoXY(1,sor+(i-1)); Write(ST[i+(j-h)]:12); oszlop:=1; TextBackGround(0); end; Key:=ReadKey; Case ord(key) of 72: begin If MenuInd>1 then dec(MenuInd) else IF h<>j Then begin IF VoltL Then begin h:=h+2; VoltL:=False; end Else h:=h+1; VoltF:=True; end; IF hanyadik<>1 then hanyadik:=hanyadik-1; end; {fel} 80: begin IF MenuInd1 Then begin IF VoltF Then begin h:=h-2; VoltF:=False; end Else h:=h-1; VoltL:=True; end; IF hanyadik<>j then hanyadik:=hanyadik+1; end;{le} End;{Case} until ord(key) = 27 Else Begin For i:=1 to j do Begin TextBackGround(1);TextColor(7); GotoXY(1,sor+(i-1)); Write(ST[i]:12); oszlop:=1; TextBackGround(0); end;{For} End;{Else} End; Begin End.